Christi Griffin
1 min readFeb 22, 2021


Thank you for having the courage to say what needs to be said. Sadly, I agree, and have harbored the same thoughts, expressing them publicly when the former US executive had COVID. Civility does not demand that we extend "thoughts and prayers" for those responsible for our oppression, suffering, and over the past year, well over 500,000 unnecessary deaths. it does, however, call for us to find effective means to defeat insidious behavior and to do so in a civil manner.

To that end, highlighting Biden's tweet does disservice to your article. Not every opponent is an enemy. We are, in 2020, still allowed to have and express differing opinions. To lump those who have very valid reasons to believe what they believe with those who are intent on undermining our democracy and attacking others verbally, mentally, legislatively and physically is just as misguided and dangerous as being civil with the later. After five years of living through a national trauma, we have to find room both for civility and the strength to resist evil with good.

